I love my craft room – it is a space I spend a lot of time in creating and planning and also making a mess in!

I have been changing my room around recently and doing a few things to help me tidy up and keep my craft room organised and I thought I would share some of them with you 🙂
The first in this blog series is going to be about Patterns…… I love supporting other pattern designers and buy quite a few PDF and paper patterns and keeping track of them is just MESSY!
I found some great quilty looking lever arch folders at Spotlight a little while back and decided they would be great for storing my paper patterns.

Each in a plastic sleeve that can then be put into the lever arch folder.
As usual with ANY tidying or cleaning effort, it always seems to get a LOT worse before it gets better. This is me mid way during the clean up!

But thankfully there was an end in sight! I now have a folder for my own patterns, one for other designer’s quilt patterns, one for bag patterns, another for xmas and other specific holiday type patterns and one for kids toys/quilts.

I just need to make some labels for the folders and then I’m done! I can go to one folder and find the pattern that I need to. Woohoo!
If I need to split them up even more in future I can always get some of those folder inserts to separate the different types of patterns. But for now I can pretty easily find the pattern I am looking for.
And it looks pretty 🙂

Oh and if you have lots of PDF patterns the way I keep them is :
a) print out the ones I am very likely to make sooner rather than later
b) store them on my computer in a folder called Quilting, then under sub-folders by designer and / or type. I have a Christmas folder and Easter and a baby folder etc.
c) make sure your computer is backed up regularly and if not, then store a copy on a cloud based storage such as Dropbox or Onedrive.

And now the only thing is to actually start to make some of these wonderful quilt patterns!!