We will be selecting prizes in Australian Eastern Standard Time, so please check what time that relates to in your part of the world (we are before most of you, so post a day early to be sure!)
If you are posting on Instagram then you need to make sure you are following the sponsors on Instagram.
If you are posting in our Sew Along Group on Facebook you will need to make sure you have liked and are following the sponsors pages on Facebook.

SHOW US YOUR FABRIC PULL : we want to see what you are planning to make for the sew along and the gorgeous fabrics you are going to do it with! Post a pic of your fabric pull and what your plan is on Instagram (on a public account) or in our Said With Love Sew Along Facebook Group with the hashtag #icypolessal between 12:01am Wednesday 25th July and 12 midnight Tuesday 7th August AEST time. You will need to also be following Said With Love and Make Modern Magazine to be eligible for this prize.
Sponsors: Make Modern Magazine
    @makemodernmagazine      Â
Winner: Robin Jane from facebook

MAKE A BLOCK AUGUST : make one (or more!) of the blocks from either Penguin Party or North Stars and post it on Instagram (on a public account) or in our Said With Love Sew Along Facebook Group with the hashtag #icypolessal between 12:01am 1st August and midnight 31st August 2018 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). You will need to also be following Said With Love and Lilabelle Lane Creations to be eligible for this prize.
August Sponsor: Lilabellelane
Prize: FOUR of Sharon’s wonderful patterns!
- Snuggle Time Baby Quilt (Machine Pieced)
- Peppermint Crossing Quilt (Machine Pieced)
- Pretty Little Things Zipper Pouch Creative Card
- Tenderness Mini Quilt Creative Card
    @lilabellelane      Â
Winner: @rox.fehr from Instagram
MAKE A BLOCK SEPTEMBER : make one (or more!) of the blocks from either Penguin Party or North Stars and post it on Instagram (on a public account) or in our Said With Love Sew Along Facebook Group with the hashtag #icypolessal between 12:01am 1st September and midnight 30th September 2018 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). You will need to also be following Said With Love and Make Modern Magazine to be eligible for this prize.
September Sponsor: Make Modern Magazine
@makemodernmagazine   Â
Winner: Louise O’Shaughnessy

MAKE A BLOCK OCTOBER : make one (or more!) of the blocks from either Penguin Party or North Stars and post it on Instagram (on a public account) or in our Said With Love Sew Along Facebook Group with the hashtag #icypolessal between 12:01am 1st October and midnight 31st October 2018 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). You will need to also be following Said With Love and Quilting Jetgirl to be eligible for this prize.
October Sponsor: Quilting Jet Girl
Prize: two of Yvonne’s wonderful patterns in PDF format
@quiltingjetgirl   Â
Winner: Cindy Campbell

BE INVOLVED (the friendship prize!) : one thing I love about sew alongs are the new friends we make, the new people we find to follow and be amazed at their creativeness…. so this prize is for a person who gets involved with the sew along. Comments on other people’s posts, likes on people’s progress and a person who is lifting us all up regularly 🙂 There is a lot of negativity in the world, let’s try and make our little corner of social media a sunny, happier place to be. You will need to also be following Said With Love and Aqua Paisley Studio to be eligible for this prize.
Friendship Sponsor: Aqua Paisley Studio
Prize: is a couple of Samantha’s wonderful patterns in PDF format and a copy of the book “Fat Quarter Favourites” !
@aqua_paisley   Â
Winner: Sharon Quaintance Treece

MAKE A FINISHED SMALL PROJECT : Pick the block(s) you’d like to make from Penguin Party or North Stars patterns and make your own project. You will need to post one photo of each of the individual blocks in your project on Instagram (on a public account) or in our Said With Love Sew Along Facebook Group with the hashtag #icypolessal between 12:01am 1st August and midnight 31st October 2018 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). Then post a photo of your finished cushion, bag, mini quilt, table runner etc between 12:01am 1st August and midnight 14th November 2018 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). You will need to also be following Said With Love and Make Modern Magazine to be eligible for this prize.
Sponsor for the Small Finished Project: Make Modern Magazine
Winner: @thebobbinjar from Instagram

MAKE A FINISHED QUILT : Pick either the Penguin Party or North Stars patterns and make a quilt. You will need to post one photo of each of the individual blocks in your project on Instagram (on a public account) or in our Said With Love Sew Along Facebook Group with the hashtag #icypolessal between 12:01am 1st August and midnight 31st October 2018 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). Then post a photo of your finished quilt (it does not need to be quilted and bound, just the quilt top will be eligible) between 12:01am 1st August and midnight 14th November 2018 (Australian Eastern Standard Time). You will need to also be following Said With Love and Pattern Drop and Patchworks Plus Tasmania to be eligible for this prize.

Sponsors for the Quilt Finished Project: Pattern Drop and Patchworks Plus Tasmania
Pattern Drop
Prize: your choice of six patterns from Pattern Drop – a fabulous resource for modern quilt patterns!
@patterndrop   Â
Winner: Cheryl Wilson
Patchworks Plus Tasmania
Prize: two charm packs of Bonnie & Camille Vintage Holiday!
@patchworksplus   Â
Winner: Lynn McIndoe
Look forward to seeing you over on Instagram and in the Said With Love Sew Along Facebook Group to see the gorgeous blocks everyone is going to be making!
Here are all the blog posts for this Sew Along.
Thank you everyone so much for making our Icy Poles Sew Along such a fun event. Lots of beautiful quilts, quilt tops and cushions were made and lots of oohing and aahing over wonderful fabric choices! It has taken a few days to sort out the winners of all the…
Wow, what a ride this Icy Poles Sew Along has been! Here is a link to all the blog posts for the #icypolessal. I have worked very hard over the past couple of weeks to get my North Stars Quilt finished and quilted. I have been getting more interested in…
Thank you all so much for sewing along with everyone on the Icy Poles Sew Along! This week I am showing you my finished Penguin Party Quilt! Woohoo.... I loved making this quilt! Those little penguins are just the cutest 🙂 Our resident ducks were very curious about the penguins...…
And this is my very last penguin story! I hope you have enjoyed them all? I have had a ball writing them all up for you. So here is Nora West Nora hadn't been happy for quite a while now.... her husband.... whom she has nicknamed Voldemort (he who shall…
And here are some more Penguins to join my Penguin Families 🙂 The first one is Solay who is Aimee's daughter from week 11 (read about her here) Solay Solay missed her dad sooooo much. It had been two years since he went missing but she still expected to see…
I am shedding a small tear over here.... these are my last North Stars blocks for #icypolessal ! And only three more penguin blocks to show you on the weekend and then I can show you my Penguin Party Quilt next week! Woohoo! Click through to see all the blog…
Well we are getting to the pointy end of the #icypolessal and I have been working on my North Stars blocks this week. You still have a little bit of time to make a block or two if you would like join us! Read Icy Poles Sew Along page for…
As we are getting nearer the end of our #icypolessal I realise I haven't given you all much time to actually get a project finished!! So I have modified the schedule a little bit and instead of expecting you to have something completed (quilt top, quilt or other proejct) by…
Gosh, another week of the #icypolessal and here is another penguin and North Stars block! Aimee Aimee was slowly getting back into a routine after her darling husband Philippe was pronounced missing presumed dead by ASIO - the Antarctic Search & Investigation Organisation. It had been a long two years…
We are in our last month of the sew along! I have been loving seeing all the very cute penguin and North Stars blocks showing up on Instagram and our Facebook Sew Along group 🙂 This month's sponsor for making and posting a block on either our Facebook Sew Along…
Week 10 of the #icypolessal and here are the next two penguins and their stories! Percival Percival loved his mum. He saw his dad every Saturday afternoon at soccer and Sunday afternoons they did maths together. Percival loved numbers almost as much as his dad did! He was studying University…
Gosh here we are at Week 9 of the sew along! The Penguin Party is going OFF! Lots of people are starting to post finished quilt tops... I am hoping to have mine quilted soon... I got stuck on how best to quilt it! You can still join in on…
I can't begin to tell you how much fun these blocks are and how much I am enjoying writing up their little stories! For more information about the sew along and to see previous blog posts, have a read of the Icy Poles Sew Along page 🙂 Tardi Gerb Tardi…
Introducing a new family of Penguins today! The Gerb family 🙂 Never too late to join us in our very relaxed sew along. Make a penguin (or ten) or a block or two from North Stars! For more information about the sew along and to see previous blog posts, have…
Wow, week 7 of our #icypolessal already! Still plenty of time to join in and make a block or two from North Stars or get addicted with making penguins from the Penguin Party pattern! Check out the Icy Poles Sew Along page for details on how to join! 🙂 This…
I have been having a ball writing the stories of all the penguins I have made. As there are three sizes to the penguins (large, medium and small) I decided that they were male, female and children sized. And well, my imagination went from there! It isn't too late to…
It's been wonderful seeing all the penguin blocks and North Stars blocks appearing in on our Facebook Sew Along group and over on Instagram 🙂 So many cute fabrics selected! (it is making me want to buy LOTS more fabric and make more penguins!!) We have another sponsor this month…
Welcome to week 6 of our #icypolessal of Elizabeth Hartman patterns Penguin Party and North Stars! It still isn't too late to join us.... we are going until the end of October 🙂 We have lots of fun prizes coming up so have a read of the Icy Poles Sew…
During the #icypolessal we have some wonderful sponsors for each month for a finished block. (click here to read all about the sew along and prizes!) August's sponsor was Sharon from @lilabellelane The prize for August is FOUR of her wonderful patterns! Snuggle Time Baby Quilt (Machine Pieced) Peppermint Crossing…
Welcome to week 5 of our #icypolessal of Elizabeth Hartman patterns Penguin Party and North Stars! I have already shown you this week's penguin - Flora Fernhill 🙂 It still isn't too late to join us.... we are going until the end of October 🙂 And it is a very…