Camille Roskelley – Nantucket Summer – Darling Ribbon Quilt Kit [PRE ORDER]
$310.00 inc GST
Nantucket Summer by Camille Roskelley is BACK! Yes, Moda is reprinting the entire collection including precuts and it will be in Australia around July 2025.
This stunning quilt kit includes all the fabric for the top and binding as well as the paper pattern Darling.
This pattern is normal piecing and the quilt finishes at 68″ x 78″ (~173cm x ~198cm)
This will arrive in Australia around July 2025
You may select ‘Bill me for shipping when it arrives’ as your shipping option when you check out and we will work out the exact amount of shipping when your pre-orders arrive and bill you separately then. I am happy to keep pre-orders for you until they have all arrived and ship once.
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