Lella Boutique – Country Rose – Country Bouquet Smokey Blue

$7.00 inc GST

Country Rose by Lella Boutique invites you to take a wander down a country lane, to gather a bouquet of blooms along the roadside, wrap yourself in a quilt and drink some rose hip tea! This is a sister collection to Farmer’s Daughter and the blue matches Folktale and the pinks and greens match Love Note.

Country Bouquet in the smokey blue colourway is the main rose print of the collection with a grey/blue background and makes a great contrast to the main rose print.

This is now available

Fabric is sold in Fat Quarters: Put in 1 for a Fat Quarter (approximately 50cm x 55cm)
Put in 2 for a Half Metre
Put in 3 for three quarters of a metre and
Put in 4 for a metre of fabric etc

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8 in stock

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