Did you have fun on Saturday checking out some new-to-you pattern designers and quilty websites?

Today is the second day and my $10 PDF pattern sale is still on until the end of March.
And I am also having a yardage fabric sale (for purchases within Australia only) which is also continuing until the end of March.
Head on over and check out all the wonderful things for inspiration and on offer from this next group of wonderful quilters!
Lots of eye candy for you whilst you are whiling away the hours at home!
Seam to Be Sew – https://www.seamstobesew.com
Quilt Fox Designs –https://www.quiltfox-design.com
Rona the Ribbiter Quilts –https://www.ronatheribbiter.com
Designs by Sarah J – https://www.designsbysarahj.com
Linen Closet Designs – http://www.linenclosetdesigns.com
Faith and Fabric – https://www.faithandfabricdesign.com
The Cloth Parcel –https://www.theclothparcel.com
Cottage Rose Quilt Patterns – https://www.cottagerosequiltshop.com
Powered by Quilting – https://www.poweredbyquilting.com
Lone Star Pattern Works – https://www.lonestarpatternworks.com
Hope you are having fun checking out some of these great people and stay tuned for Day 3 in a couple of days!
If you missed the first day’s list of people, here is the blog post.