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52 Quilters July 2018 – Scraps

By July 1, 201852quilters, blog

I am so excited to be taking over the 52Quilters blog and Instagram for July – which has been deemed the month of Scraps!

Myself and three other quilters will be having a week each on @52quilters talking about what scraps means to us and how we use them and our unique take on ‘scrappy’.

In case you don’t know about @52Quilters – it is a social experience started by Chris Webb that has a different quilter from around the world taking over the instagram account and sharing a peek into their quilting world.

In 2018 Chris decided to change things up a bit and dedicate each month to a different theme. July’s theme is Scraps.

I will be posting a couple of posts here on the blog and on the blog as well, but most of the posts are going to be on the Instagram account @52quilters. So head on over to instagram and follow the account to see what we get up to! 🙂

I am first cab off the rank for the 1st – 7th July and I am going to talk about what scraps actually are (everyone seems to have a different opinion!), then go through everything from how to organise your scraps, to all the various ways I use scraps in my quilting (and sewing and gifting) life.

Next up is Di from @verandah_crafts. Di makes the most wonderful quilts from scraps in her own muted palette and she will be showing you those as well as some work from some amazing Aussie quilters she knows.

From the 15th to the 21st is Krystina from the US and her account on Instagram is @khquilts . Krystina makes the most gorgeous quilts!

Our last scrappy quilter is Carlie @quilty_carlie who just does the most amazing things with pretty much everything she touches! It is winter here in Australia so Carlie has been getting the crochet out quite a bit recently (she is awesome at that too!).

And then I come back for the last couple of days of July to finish up the month.

Can’t wait to start posting and getting people involved in the conversation about quilting and scraps 🙂


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