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Sew Alongs

Here at Said With Love we have a couple of Sew Alongs a year.

We like our Sew Alongs to be relaxed and fun and supportive. You know, the sort that don’t have a million rules and regulations so that if life gets in the way it is OK. Sometimes there are prizes because we have found some great sponsors, sometimes getting the love and support of your fellow quilters is enough!

Join us for one!

Sign up to our newsletter to keep informed about our sew alongs
Join our Facebook Sew Along group to get involved on Facebook
Follow us @said_with_love on Instagram to be involved in our sew alongs on Instagram

Current Sew Alongs

The Avenue Sew Along – Always

The Avenue is a gorgeous pattern by the late Louise Papas of the Jen Kingwell Collective that includes some curved piecing…. the perfect pattern to learn a new skill or perfect your technique! I am still in shock that the quilting world has lost such a wonderful person : (

We have made this fun sewalong into one that you can join in whenever YOU want to!

You just sign up for the sewalong, pay the small administration fee and the weekly emails will start coming to your inbox with our tips and tricks and what to do each week.

The sewalong takes 6 weeks and you will make a fabulous quilt top by the end the sewalong!

Read all about the Sew Along Here

Daylesford Quilt Always Sewalong

Now you can join our Daylesford Quilt sewalong whenever YOU want to!

Just sign up for the sewalong, pay the small admin fee and the weekly emails will start coming to your inbox with our tips and tricks and weekly schedule of blocks.

The sewalong takes 8 weeks and you will have a gorgeous quilt top by the end of it!

Previous Sew Alongs

A Year Of Hearts Sewalong

Join us for a fun block-of-the-month sewalong with lots of heart blocks!

The blocks and setting layouts are now available to purchase individually in our PDF pattern shop. And the full complete pattern and layouts will be coming in the first quarter of 2025.

Read all about A Year Of Hearts

Stitch Pink 2024 Sew Along

Stitch Pink is run in October each year and coincides with Breast Cancer Awareness month. Moda Fabrics selects a fabric collection each year for Stitch Pink, and this year it is I Heart Ombre Metallics and OMG it is gorgeous!

Said With Love supports this each year with a sewalong and fundraising, and in 2024 we will be sewing our A Side Of Hearts quilt pattern! You can purchase the downloadable PDF pattern here.

Until our sewalong starts, you can order your fabric required for the pattern (read all the information about the sewalong and fabric requirements here).

Our sewalong will start on Tuesday 15th October and run for 5 weeks.

Read more details about the SWL Stitch Pink 2024 Sewalong

Edelweiss Sew Along

Join us for a fun sewalong of Camille Roskelley’s gorgeous pattern, Edelweiss!

We will be starting on Wednesday the 1st May (Melbourne Australia time) and whether you have one of the Moda boxed kits, or you are using fabric from your stash, you are welcome to join us!

Read more about the Edelweiss Sewalong

Barn Star Sampler Sewalong

Join me, Kimberley from the Fat Quarter Shop, and some other wonderful makers for a year long sewalong of Shelley Cavanna’s gorgeous Barn Star Sampler Quilt from her book!

Starting January 2023 and going until December 2023, this is such a gorgeous quilt! I hope you can join in on the fun.

The quilt finishes at 80″ x 100″ and it will look fabulous in a variety of fabrics! I am going to be using Tula Pink’s recent collections from Curiouser onwards.

Read more about the sewalong here

SWL Advent Calendar 2023 Sewalong

Join us to make your very own Advent Calendar for this Christmas!

A gorgeous wall hanging with individual pockets for each day, with plenty of room for you to embellish to make it your own.

Starting Monday 16th October 2023 and finishing late November – you will have this Advent Calendar hanging on your wall this Christmas!

The wall hanging finishes at ~ 22″ x 29″ (56cm x 74cm) and looks great in any Christmas fabrics or indeed any fabrics you love!

Read more about the sewalong here

Sew A Jelly Roll Day Sewalong

Join us in our Facebook Sewalong and Quilting group for a fun filled weekend Saturday 16th September for Sew A Jelly Roll Day (aka Project Jelly Roll)!

We will be sewing up my new pattern Rainbow Slider which will be released on September 2nd.

Fun, easy sewing, with friends from around the world, including some great prizes too 🙂

Read more about the sewalong here

WIP Along 2022

Join us for a fun, relaxed sewalong to get some of our Works In Progress (WIPs) finished!

There will be regular emails with tips and suggestions on how to organise and track your WIPs, thoughts on motivation and how to make the time to sew and lots more!

Click here to read all about the WIP Along 2022

Daylesford Quilt Sew Along

The Daylesford Quilt from Jen Kingwell’s Quilt Recipe book is going to be such a fun sewalong!

Join us on 1st July for an eight week sewalong!

You will need the Quilt Recipe book (you can grab one from us here if you are in Aust or NZ) and then sign up here to receive the weekly emails with my tips and tricks and what sections we are doing each week.

You can post your blocks and progress on Instagram or in our Facebook Sewalong Group.

The Sewalong will finish end the end of August 2022.

Click here to read all about the Daylesford Quilt Sewalong

Boho Heart Quilt Along 2022

We are making the Jen Kingwell and Andrea Bair’s Boho Heart Quilt again!

We had such fun doing it during 2021 that we are going to do it again in 2022!

The quilt along started on February 1st 2022

The QAL (quilt along) finished in May 2022.

Click here to read all about the Boho Heart Quilt Along

Stitch Pink 2021 Community Slowalong

And this year we are going to be doing a wonderful Community sewalong that takes some of the best from the Stitch Pink 2020 blocks and adds in some new ones and a different setting.

Starting on November 1st, this will be a relaxed slowalong ending late January 2022.

Read more about the Community Slowalong Here

Moda Stitch Pink 2021 Sew Along

Stitch Pink 2021 will see us sewing up a storm for Breast Cancer awareness.

Read more about the Moda Sew Along Here

Moda starting the sewalong on 26th October, however as the fabric arrived late, we started in November.

The Avenue Sew Along

The Avenue is a gorgeous pattern by Louise Papas of the Jen Kingwell Collective that includes some curved piecing…. the perfect pattern to learn a new skill or perfect your technique!

Read all about the Sew Along Here

Just A Tree Quilt Along

A quick and fun sewalong to make this cute tree wallhanging (though, you can always upsize it into a full quilt!)

We ran this during June and July 2021

Read all about the Sew Along Here

Boho Heart Quilt Along

Join us for this fun sew along making Jen Kingwell and Andrea Bair’s Boho Heart Quilt!

This quilt is going to look stunning in pretty much every fabric selection you decide on… but I am going to use a curated bundle of Alison Glass fabrics.

You can post your blocks and progress on Instagram or in our Facebook Sewalong Group.

The QAL (quilt along) will finish in mid May 2021.

Click here to read all about the Boho Heart Quilt Along

#sewmyprecious Sew Along

Have you got some fabrics in your stash that are really precious and you just don’t seem to be able to cut into them?

Well this is the sew along for you!

We are encouraging you to get that fabric off the shelf and into a beautiful project!

It can be a quilt or a cushion or a garment or a bag…. the pattern is up to you!

We are starting now (18th March 2020) and this will be a relaxed and slower sew along.

The pattern I have chosen (the Cross Plus Quilt) has 49 blocks in it, so my quilt is going to take me until at least the end of the year to finish.

Read more about the Sew Along Here

Follow me on Instagram @said_with_love or sign up to get every blog post emailed to you (in the footer or contact page) or our newsletter (also in the footer below) just so you don’t miss out on any information about the sew along!

Stitch Pink Sew Along

Stitch Pink 2020 saw us sewing the 30 blocks that Moda Fabrics had created for each of the days of October (and 1 finishing pattern) for Breast Cancer Awareness month.

Everyone grabbed their pink fabric (and some not-so pink fabrics!) and joined in on the fun.

Read more about the Sew Along Here

Hanging With My Gnomies Sew Along

I still have a couple of the patterns in stock now if you want to make this pattern! The sew along is over but this pattern is just gorgeous!


Penguin Party & North Stars Sew Along

aka the Icy Poles Sew Along!

We had such a fun time sewing up those super cute penguins! And some brave souls tackled the North Stars pattern as well!

Read all about the Icy Poles Sew Along here.

Violet Craft Atomic Starburst Sew Along

A stunning foundation paper pieced pattern that was great fun to make in a sew along!

The Sew Along went for all of July 2018! Read all about the Atomic Starburst Sew Along here

Elizabeth Hartman All The Animals Sew Along

This sew along was a blast! Sooo many of Elizabeth Hartman’s great patterns were part of this one.

Read about the Elizabeth Hartman All the Animals Sew Along here

Peaceful Planet Sew Along

We had fun with this one before Xmas 2017 – sewing up blocks from Elizabeth Hartman’s Awesome Ocean, Delightful Desert and Fancy Forest patterns.

Read about the sew along here

Handmade With Love Sew Along

It seems we all need some encouragement to finish those Xmas projects – this sew along was making the Thimbleblossoms pattern Handmade With Love with a group of fun ladies who made some awesome things!

Read about the sew along here

SWL Advent Calendar Sew Along

The Advent Calendar pattern is a fun one to make in the lead up to December – and having some friends to sew along with to keep you on track is always fun! We had a great time with this sew along and it was interesting to see how people tweak a pattern to make it their own!

Read about the sew along here