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WIP #3 Ambleside Quilt

By March 21, 2025blog

My Ambleside quilt has been quilted and bound and is now FINISHED! It takes such a long time somedays, doesn’t it?!

This quilt started off as a small quilt top I purchased from a friend from IG that I increased the size substantially! You can read more about the origins of this project here.

The fabric collection is by Brenda Riddle Designs and is called Ambleside, which is the name of our home! (named after Ambleside in the Lakes District in the UK).

So after making LOTS more blocks late last year I finally had a quilt top large enough for the queen bed in our guest bedroom (to be honest it will be large enough for a king size, I did get a tad carried away!)

And finally, early March 2025, I put it up on Lily the Longarm and quilted one of my favourite digital designs – Flower Child. It is a lovely curvy design without being too floral, it stitches out pretty quickly (good for a huge quilt!) and always looks good.

And it is totally multi-directional, so no matter which way the quilt is viewed from, there is no ‘right way’ : )

As it is so huge, binding took a good few evenings sitting on the couch

But all totally worth it to see it on the bed (the king size bed, not the guest bed for the moment as there might be, ahem, quite a few other WIPs on the guest bed at the moment!)

I can’t wait to get the guest bedroom all tidied up, the bed made and the new quilt in place!

And that is a fire guard tapestry from my great-grandmother Beaton in the background. The fireplace is not used so it is a nice thing to look at rather than an open fireplace.

So I am ticking off another Work In Progress off my list for 2025 and it feels good!

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