It seems that 2025 is definitely the year of the WIP, as I have finally taken my oldest WIP out of the cupboard and have been working feverishly on it!
Below is the pattern cover image with all the blocks and the intricate border!

I will NOT be doing that border.. that is way too much applique to add to my to-do list! I may do something like the pieced section in the border, but definitely not the vine and flowers. But first I have to get the blocks done!
So my problem with this WIP was the fact that I started this in 2002 when I was a very new quilter. I didn’t really grasp the importance of a consistent 1/4″ seam allowance, measuring fabric, measuring block sections as you go etc etc!
I also didn’t keep up with each month (of course!) so it languished and I restarted it many times (on different machines, with different skill levels). It was a bit doomed from the beginning really!

My problem, when I finally got it all out ready to get working on it again this year, is that the finished blocks ranged from 16″ square to 18″ square! Eek!
And to add to the difficulty, I had designed each block to fit in with the ones around them and have a red log cabin corner, brown, blue and green…. to match with the neighbouring blocks so that all the red log cabins came together in a corner to make a very large red section. Even back then I liked to make my life more difficult!!
So I have to do some surgery on about 5 blocks…. using some smaller seam allowances on some, cutting new wider strips of fabric for others. It is fiddly and time consuming work but I REALLY WANT IT DONE!

The watering can block had the four log cabin sections made, but they were way too small. I had to pull a lot of each of them apart and sew with smaller seam allowances. Then I could put the applique on. Somehow I had lost the watering can fabric over the years, so I have replaced it with some Kate Spain! it might be the only fabric in the quilt that I really like now!
I had to do similar fixing with the chair block – I do love how the basket of flowers turned out!

I have started doing a bit of the zig zagging around the raw edge applique – this is going to take me some time!
The washing line block was one of the first I finished (and surprise, is actually the correct size!!), I love the little quilt hanging on the line.

And another favourite block is the cabin with the gum tree and the chickens! But gosh that is going to take some time to do all that zig zagging!

There are so many interesting blocks – I quite liked the fence fabric!

Here are the rest of the blocks so far

So as at the 18th January 2025 I have two more blocks to ‘tweak’ to get to the correct size and then all the raw edge applique to be sewn around.
My plan is to have my machine set up for the zig zag stitch and just do a little bit each day. I am hoping I will have it all finished by the end of the quarter (end of March).
THEN I will be able to work on what borders I can do with the fabrics I have left over. I do still have some of the cream background fabric and there will be some of all the different coloured fabrics.
It is going to be good to get this one finished and out of my WIP stack. At 23 years long, this project needs to be done and dusted soon.
And yes, I have been quite consumed with getting this worked on, work and other projects have taken a back seat for the moment!
You’ve done a lovely job of creating this quilt. Take it to the next level and make the border – at least the piano keys part. You could appliqué the rest at a different time. Negative space does work and where the appliqué should be, could be considered your negative space to contemplate what a good job you did of the other portions of the quilt.
I hope I have enough fabric left to do something like the piano key border, I don’t think there is anything that will convince me to do that much extra applique!!! 😀 I’ll perhaps use that space to do some free motion quilting… maybe I can echo the applique but in quilting? That could be fun!
Is this pattern still available? You did an awesome job and inspiring me to try it! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Kelly, love that you are inspired! I found somewhere that the Quilt Basket lady from the shop that was in Victor Harbor, South Australia, was selling them early in 2020. But the facebook page hasn’t been touched since then and the email address is not going to be valid (ozemail has gone by the wayside).
I will email you with some other alternatives!