The October Aurifil Thread Labs boxes arrived and wow, they have found some amazing designers to curate each month’s box and select thread…. this month is Anna Maria Parry (nee Horner)!

I might have squealed when I opened this month’s box…. check out the video here to see all the goodies inside!

Anna Maria loves embroidery and hand stitching, so this month’s project is amazing, possibly a little bit of a stretch for a non-embroiderer like me, but it is making me want to have a go!

There are some 8 weight threads from her brand new Indelible thread collection (which is due very soon in the Quilt Barn but has sold out sorry!), as well as some 12 weight threads.
In THE most gorgeous colours!!

And did you spy the cute little ‘goodie’ that was included this month?
Is it too early to start a little pile of little boxes and blame Santa? Because I LOVE those colours, and I do need heavier weight threads for shuttle tatting (I’m currently using the 12wt). My Monday morning willpower is only so strong, I am but a weak little crafter…
Hahahaha Rachel! send me an email and I can chat about some colours I will have available of the 8 weight as soon as a delivery comes in from Aurifil Australia and maybe some can wing its way to your place!