Wow…. what an amazing weekend 60 women + organisers + tutors + speakers have had!
Cotton Factory Unplugged was hosted by the Alison from Cotton Factory (with some help from friends!) in Ballarat 30th April and 1st May 2016 in the historic Mechanic’s Institute building in Sturt Street, Ballarat.
By 10am on the Saturday the noise of all the women meeting and greeting each other (most had not met in real life, just on Instagram!) needed to be heard to be believed! Lots of fun and games 🙂 This is me and Joy playing with Fiona’s Circle Game quilt (which is stunning!).
At 10am however, the excitement was happening OUTSIDE the building, as Riley Blake Designs with Millhouse Collections had one of their world wide giveaways happening across the road in the Rotunda! One of our attendees, Jill @the_observation_station won it!
During the two days we had Sue Daley and Jodie Carleton and Judy Newman and Amy Morgan and bag maker extra-ordinaire Nikki Mallalieu and Sharon from Lilabellelane all talking about their amazing patterns and fabric and projects!
The Courier newspaper came along and took some pics too! (click the picture to read the article!)
One of the highlights (apart from all those amazing tutors!) was the showcase by the participants. We were all asked to bring some ‘show and tell’ along and we were wowed by the fantastic talent of all these women! Everybody has been doing some different things, even when there was the same pattern used, the fabrics and choices made the projects completely unique. Congratulations to everyone for all your amazing projects!
If you want to see loads more pictures from the weekend check out the hashtag #cottonfactoryunplugged on Instagram.
We all left on Sunday afternoon wanting more and we can’t wait for 2017!