I am so excited, the Edelweiss Quilt Kits have arrived here in the Quilt Barn and OMG they are gorgeous!
We have sold out of ALL of our kits and we aren’t able to get any more sadly! Kicking myself, I should have ordered another 10 or so!
I did a YouTube Short (a video that is less than 1 minute) showing me opening the kit if you want to see what the contents are like.
But you don’t need one of the kits to join in on our Sew Along! You can purchase yardage from your local quilt shop or use your scraps…. this quilt looks stunning in pretty much every fabric I have seen it made in so far! (Seeing it made in Lighthearted this week on Instagram almost made me want to make two during the sewalong!!)
Our Edelweiss Sew Along kicks off on Wednesday 1st May and I filmed a short introduction video so please share the link with friends who may be considering joining in.
Can’t wait for May 1st and to kick of this sew along!