Woohoo! My Quilter’s Planner for 2020 has arrived and it is GORGEOUS!
You can choose from lots of different covers (all designed by Karen Lewis!) and I chose the aqua flower.

I really tossed and turned about purchasing as our Aussie dollar was in the very deep doldrums and US shipping is becoming more and more out of reach.
But I have loved using my 2019 planner – it has really helped me keep on track for my business planning and social media posting as well as all my quilty projects of course!
So I gulped when I saw the final shipped price but then just did it. Every now and then we just have to spoil ourselves! Psst if you want to spoil yourself too the planners are now shipping!
And it is worth it! It comes with a full magazine with all the patterns that are beautifully photographed in the planner.

As well as the full details for the sampler quilt that you can make with a block each month.

And inside there are month overview pages (great for getting the bigger picture!) and a projects in progress overview (oh boy I almost need more than 2 pages of this!). As well as pages for each of your projects and a WHOLE lot of other reference information and pages to design your own quilts!
And I love the goal setting page. This is what I am working on at the moment…. determining my goals for 2020 and what I want to achieve with my own makes as well as my business makes!

I hope you have enjoyed the inside view of what the Quilter’s Planner is like! If you would are a fellow planner and list lover like me and want one of your own, below is an affiliate link to buy one. You pay the same price and I get a small amount to help me continue creating patterns and content for you!