We are up to making all the sashings in the Moda Stitch Pink 2021 Together Quilt pattern…. and there are a LOT of them to make! Lucky they look so cute : )

Lots of strips and little 9 patches in the cutest pink dot fabric with the background off white dot fabric!
It did take me quite a while to make all these up in my evenings these past weeks! But here are some of them hanging up before they got onto the design wall.

Then it was time to start seeing what all the blocks and sashings looked like up on the design wall…. to see what layout I wanted to work with.

Time to tweak the layout and play around with where things go : ) I did tweak things a bit from there to get a bit more symmetry (you know how I like symmetry!) into my quilt top.

Next week will be putting the borders on the quilt top and revealing my finished quilt top! Can’t wait to show you.
Don’t forget you can find out more information about this sewalong, and other sewalongs in the past and coming up, by heading to our Sewalong web page.