They do say before you can work on fixing a problem, you need to acknowledge you HAVE a problem! Well, I take a different perspective on my WIPs….. firstly, they aren’t a problem! They are a beautiful collection of quilts/bags/cushions etc that just haven’t reached their full potential yet!
But I do agree that we need to get an idea of what WIPs (works in progress) we have and get them a bit organised before we can start diving in and getting some done.
So this first week of our WIP Along 2022 is all about getting organised!
So get out your WIPs. Find them all. And then write a list of all your projects so you can see at a glance what can be worked on.
Here is my list! At the start of this WIP Along I had 25 projects on the go. Eek! That had crept up a bit from the 20 I had around the middle of 2021. C’est la vie!
I use my Quilter’s Planner (from a few years ago) to keep my master list of WIP projects.
But then for each project I start I fill in a WIP Tracker Sheet that has all the details of the project, including any tweaks I want to make.
And I get one of my plastic tubs (I got mine from Officeworks here in Australia) and put the fabric (including binding and backing fabrics if I have decided on them too) along with the pattern in it.
This way I have EVERYTHING in the one place for that project, including what my thoughts and plans are for it. So no matter if I have a few days, a few weeks or a few months between working on the project, I know everything there is to know (including any issues or problems there are) so I can pick it up quickly next time I am able to work on it.
The cute labels are from Avery and there are some fun options on the avery website to print out onto their standard labels.
Next week we will be talking about reviewing our WIPs to decide which ones we actually want to spend time completing!