Are your Works In Progress (WIPs) getting out of control? Or maybe you call them UFOs (unfinished objects)? I prefer WIP as it sounds like I am actually DOING something on them! Yeah, right….
In a recent tidy of up of my craft room I found quite a lot of WIPs hiding everywhere and decided I needed to get them sorted ONCE AND FOR ALL. Well, ok, not quite to the position of actually FINISHING them!! But organising them at least.
First I went and bought a number of plastic tubs with some cute labels that I could put through my inkjet printer.

In went the fabric, the background fabric, the pattern, any blocks I had made. Also any ruler or notion that was specifically for that project.
AND the WIP Tracker worksheet!

All the details about the project, including the steps that need to be taken on the project, the fabric, the timeline etc all go onto the WIP Tracker.
And… at the point where you last touched the project… what problems you were having. Maybe your blocks weren’t the right size and you put down the project in despair! Or maybe you ran out of fabric to finish the background…. whatever the problem is, pop it on the WIP Tracker worksheet.
Then when you pick it back up again in the future you will know exactly where you are at and what needs to be done.
And I want to share this WIP Tracker PDF sheet with you! As it has made my life easier trying to keep my WIPs moving forward, I hope it will help you too!
Click on this link (or the button below) to sign up to my newsletter and you can will receive the WIP Tracker PDF as a thank you (and there are more thank yous as you go through my welcome emails too!)
And I’d love to see you using it on Instagram or Facebook….. I have given it the hashtag #trackthatwip (though for a while there I really was considering #crackthatwip hehehe ) and #swlwiptracker
And just in case you think you have a lot of WIPs…. here is my collection! I keep them stored under my cutting table. And at the point where they don’t fit under there, I need to get some finished!!

I hope you find it useful! I have been following along with Jennifer of Bee Sew Inspired as she is hosting the Organize Along (she is in the US, so it is spelt with a ‘z’). Unfinished Objects are week 7 so I wanted to share my WIP Tracker as part of the organise along!
Head on over to Jennifer’s web page to read all about it and check out @organizealong account on Instagram