I have just had the best week! I have been hosting the 52Quilters instagram, twitter and blog accounts.
“A social experiment in quilty communication and collaboration. Discover a virtual patchwork of quilters throughout 2015: each week a new quilter will take over the 52Quilters twitter, blog and instagram. The goal of this project is to document the collective crafted life of quilters.”
It was great to share my quilting and surrounds with the quilting world!
There was so much happening this week – Cotton Factory had an open day and launched their #cfcblockswap (more about that on my next post!), I had a small stall at my local Country Women’s Association market, asked for advice on my oldest WIP
showcased some of our regions amazing quilters, amazing scenery and showed off some of my quilts and patterns!
It is funny that when you start looking back on all the things you have made there is quite a lot to show and tell!
Oh it was you! Reading your new bloggers hop post i was sure i’d read about the cotton factory recently and was racking my brain trying to figure out who it was… it must have been on 52 quilters!!
Yes Wendy it was me! I had such a ball on 52Quilters!!