Everyone had such a ball during the January long weekend #aussiedestashweekend so we are having another one!

Saturday June 10th to Monday June 12th – so mark your diaries Aussies!
I will be selling bolt ends and quilt kits and bundles from my shop in my destash Instagram account @anneboundydestash…. June is getting very close to end of Financial Year so it will be a great time to get some of these lovelies into YOUR hands rather than sitting in the Quilt Barn : )

There will be some low volumes, some Ruby Star Society

And lots and lots of bolt ends! Once they come off the bolt they are a bit of a pain to store/stack…. so out they will be going!

And if you have some fabric in your sewing room that you would like to rehome elsewhere, you can join in and destash things yourself!
Start telling your followers about the #aussiedestashweekend on the 10th – 14th June.
If you send me three SQUARE pictures of the sort of things that you will be destashing, I can create your very own #aussiedestashweekend graphic that you can use on your social media / newsletters etc to get the word out! Just email me patterns@saidwithlove.com.au

The more the merrier!
How it works…… we all get the word out that a destash will be happening that weekend on Instagram.
We all start creating the bundles / fabrics we want to sell (if you need some tips on how to prepare for a fabric destash, I wrote a blog post earlier this year with lots of tips!)
On Saturday the 10th June you can start posting your items with the hashtag #aussiedestashweekend and start browsing the hashtag to see things you might like to buy!
People comment with ‘me please’ or ‘sold’ etc and give you their paypal email address via a Direct Message when they are done shopping / when the weekend is finished.
You invoice the people for their fabric and shipping and then ship off their parcels!

Hope you can join in… either as another seller or as a browser / buyer! There were some fantastic fabrics last time, so make sure you put it in your diary!