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Handmade with Love Sew Along – Week 2

By June 8, 2017May 4th, 2018blog

How did you go with the solid and stripe blocks from week 1 of the Handmade With Love Sew Along? If you missed it, head on back and read Week 1

Pretty easy, huh? Well, we are starting to get into the more fun blocks now.

This week is the Pinwheel Present block.

I did have some ‘fun’ trying to get my prints to be all up the correct way when I was making my HSTs (see my tip below)… I almost succeeded!

Tinsel has this great cheater print and as I wasn’t enjoying making these directional HSTs I thought I would just use the cheater print as one of my Block 3 🙂

And yes, I added on a ribbon bow on the top just to make sure it will look OK 🙂

I think my last block of this might be just 4 solid pieces with the ribbon. Will show you what that one looks like on Instagram when I get it done!

Directional HSTs

My tip for trying to make the pinwheels work out OK with directional prints is to have the directional print square right side up and correct way up.

Then place the white square on top with the diagonal lines drawn from the top left to bottom right on one of the squares and then on the other square from top RIGHT to bottom LEFT.

This makes HSTs with the prints as close as you can get to being the correct way up.

Let me know how you go!


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