Are you sick of having a pile of unfinished works in progress (WIPs) lying around?
Is it time to bust through those projects and just GET.THEM.DONE? Then come along to the Inaugural WIP Weekend at the Quilt Barn!
I am hosting the first WIP Weekend at the Said With Love Quilt Barn on the weekend of 19th and 20th May 2018 (a change in date from the 12th and 13th May as my mother pointed out, it is Mother’s Day and cough, ahem, I probably should be doing something with her…..!!)
Come along and join in and get those projects finished. Two days in the Quilt Barn just you, your sewing machine, some like-minded ladies (sewing gentlemen are very welcome too!) and time to sew. No family to feed or chores to do, just unadulterated sewing time 🙂
During the WIP Weekend there will also be time to eat a delicious morning and afternoon tea and a lovely lunch, and hopefully a little bit of relaxing time watching the ducks on the pond, doing a bit of hand sewing in the comfy chairs by the huge windows or going for a walk around the garden.
If you aren’t local we can help you find some suitable accommodation nearby for the Saturday night (we are very close to Daylesford and there is a plethora of accommodation options there).
I can’t wait! I am hoping to join in on the WIP Weekend with a bit of sewing between my hosting duties. Because, well, that pile of WIPs above are just the few I could find quickly for the picture…. pretty sure there are more sitting in some boxes…. and that other cupboard…. and under my table….. argh!
UPDATE : This weekend is all booked up (wooho! what fun!) , however stay tuned as I will definitely be organising another weekend later in the year (and maybe one during the week?) – if you want to be on the wait list please email me via the Contact Page or via Instagram.
Oh how I wish I wasn’t so far away! It sounds like a lovely retreat, Anne.
It would be so nice to be able to get all the ladies from all around the world together…. Hmmm…. Maybe we should do a virtual WIP weekend at some point? 😊 That could be fun too!
Yes! Virtual WIP would be fun! Hope you have a great time!