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Just A Tree QAL – Week 3

By July 6, 2021July 10th, 2021blog, Just A Tree QAL

This week is all about embellishing your trees with some embroidery! Raylee of Sunflower Stitcheries & Quilting has hosted this week and shown us some great videos on how to mark our fabrics and then stitch some gorgeous designs on them!

Head on over to Raylee’s website to find out how to get all the information.

And here is my first attempt at some embroidery designs on one of my trees!

And I have my second one ready to go and I will be trying some of the more (for me) complex designs and stitches!

And if you are in Australia, Raylee has some great stitchery notions in her website… including a beginner embroidery kit! (and those cool thimble crowns I am going to try out!)

Have fun!

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