It is QUILTING week! Woohoo! Raylee from Sunflower Stitcheries & Quilting is sending out quilting suggestions for your trees and wallhanging, but here is the first of my two wallhangings.

The fabric is Orchard by April Rosenthal with scrappy low volumes for the background (available in our online store).
Quilted with stars over the background and swirls all over the trees.
My second wallhanging is using Cozy Up fabric with a solid olive green that I had in my stash. I went a bit crazy with the quilting on this one! One of my favourite things to do when I have time (and am able to get one of my quilts up on Lily the Longarm!) is to just quilt… no plan… sort of like doodling with thread!

Everytime I do that type of graffiti quilting I just want to do more and more!
Next week on the Quilt Along is everyone showing their finished wallhangings… I can’t wait to see them over on our Facebook Sewalong & Quilting Group or on Instagram with the hashtag #justatreeQAL
Thanks everyone for joining in on the sewalong…. I hope you had fun and have a gorgeous addition to your home decor!