I have found it so hard to just make a block a week with this sew along…. I keep wanting to binge sew and make up heaps of blocks!

But I do have other things I am working on, and of course there are customer quilts to do and fabric to package up for people (thank you everyone!) as well as my IT job….. so I have been trying to stop myself from going crazy and just making ALL the blocks.
I now have made 15 blocks of the 49 required.

And the fussy cutting does take time. I am sometimes paralysed when it comes to actually cutting, because I don’t want to lose the ability to use the rest of the fabric!

This froggy print was a case in point. I didn’t actually want to use the froggies, as they were too large to fit in my 4.5″ square and the sides would be cut off, but I didn’t want to cut bits of them either!
I finally managed to find a reasonable repeat that could be used AND keep the froggies for another day! (well, except some of their toes!)

But the swiss cheese fabric still distresses me!! I am folding it back up and putting it away out of sight so I don’t mourn the gaping holes ; )

I have now put the blocks done so far up on the design wall, but as we are in the middle of winter and the room my design wall is in faces south and gets ZERO sun or light…. I just cannot seem to get a decent photo. So just imagine how it looks!

I think I have already made my blocks for this month and it is only the 17th….. I dare say there will be another blog post update at the end of June with a few more blocks!
I hope this inspires you to get out YOUR precious fabrics and use them in a project! See all the details about this extremely relaxed #sewmyprecious sewalong here.