Say what?! Aren’t all Jelly Roll rugs by definition double sided you ask? Well yes, you can turn a jelly roll rug onto either side and it is the same on both sides…… but I wanted this one to be a little bit different!
It started out the same with a jelly roll (2.5″ strips by width of fabric all nicely in a roll by Moda)… this one is Spring Brook by Corey Yoder
And then with the help of Jerry’s Jelly Roll Jig (a huge time saver!) and the precut batting rolls (another time saver!) the jelly roll ball begins to take shape! (and this pic is of the second jelly roll rug I did this past weekend, not the Spring Brook one! but you get the idea!)

And then some time, patience, spray starch and regular pressing later, there is a gorgeous Jelly Roll Rug (pattern by Roma Quilts and available for PDF download from her shop on ETSY).

I just LOVE the result! Every time I make one I think of another two or three that I want to make 😀
But this time I wanted to do something a bit different….. and this On The Go canvas panel was calling my name (tell me I am not the only one who hears fabric talking to her?!?!)
So here is my double sided jelly roll rug!

I cut the panel an inch wider than the jelly roll rug. And then wonder clipped it all around so that it was taut. Then I sewed over a few of the ’rounds’ with zig zag stitch to ensure the panel on the back was sewn down securely. Starting from the middle to make sure there were no puckers.

And the last round of zig zag stitches was about 2 rounds in from the edge. Leaving enough space to fold over the edge and hand stitch it down.

And so now this gorgeous (and useful!) jelly roll rug is ready to give to my great-nephew for his birthday!