So I am diverging from my usual quilting / fabric related posts!
A lovely friend of mine, Jacquie from, has started selling these gorgeous enviro friendly products and she gave me a great discount so I could try some (keep reading to see how you can get the discount too!).
She had me at the pictures… I mean how gorgeous are these water bottles?!
Actually they can hold anything, not just keep your beverage of choice cold… they can keep your coffee / tea / soup hot as well. You know… like that old thermos your mum had in the picnic set…… except… these are WAY cooler!
And of course they can help reduce the amount of plastic bottles that are everywhere.
I like my water cold… like straight from the fridge cold…. I hate having a glass of water that is warm on my desk – I just won’t drink it if it’s warm…. so this is just what I needed. Besides… it is so pretty I just want to keep picking it up all the time!
I splurged and selected the Gold Wash one….. but it was a tough decision between that or the pink!? Cute as! I think I will be getting another one for the car (again, hate how the water gets hot sitting in the car on long trips!) hmmmm and maybe another for beside my bed.
They come in two sizes (500ml and 750ml) and they are made from double insulated stainless steel and will keep cold drinks chilled for 24 hours and hot liquids for 12 hours!
I am just loooooving mine!
Jacquie is also stocking Mable toothbrushes…. made from sustainably harvested bamboo. Again, soooo many plastic toothbrushes go into our land fill! So I am going to go a bit old school and leave the electric toothbrush sitting on the bench for a while and see whether I can go back to manual brushing!
It took me a few days to get used to feeling the wooden head instead of the plastic one, but I am loving the toothbrush. A nice soft bristle and feels great looking out the window to the cows grazing in the neighbour’s paddock whilst brushing my teeth.
So…. would you like to try some of these enviromentally friendly products yourself? Just put the code “envirosave” into the website when you check out and you will get 10{557cb0de45f4248f47d4ac028c5e353e2045c2cf110136f8175d4656403a993e} off any of the enviro products.
Jacquie is only posting within Australia at the moment (sorry to my overseas friends!) and the coupon ends 31st March 2017.
Fineprint: Jacquie gave me a great deal on the bottle and gave me a toothbrush for free. She didn’t expect me to say nice things (but I am sure she hoped!). No other kickbacks were involved except for some feel good, helping out a friend vibe 🙂