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My 5 Year Blogversary

By November 27, 2019blog

Hehehe…. yes, apparently a blogversary is a thing ! [and pssst giveaway down the bottom!]

I started my blog way back on November the 27th 2014 with a post about a Christmas swap I had been a part of.

My goodness that seems like a lifetime ago! That first swap introduced me to some wonderful women and the joy of the Quilting Community on Instagram!

My second post on my blog was one of my very first large quilts (up until then I had been making cot sized quilts) and it was for my brother’s xmas present.

And then because I couldn’t give my brother a quilt and not my sister, I gave one of my all time favourite quilts to her for her birthday that very next year.

I think I was hooked by then and I have been making quilts, designing quilts and sharing them on my blog since then!

Over the years I have hosted sew alongs on the blog, giveaways and amongst all of that shared my makes along the way.

The Atomic Starburst sewalong was one of the many relaxed sewalongs we have done here on the blog

Thankfully Ian, my husband, has supported me from the very beginning… if you didn’t read his first advice for fabric husbands around the world, settle in for a giggle

What has been your favourite blog post ? I am giving away a charm pack of Summer Sweet by Sherri & Chelsi to a random person selected from the comments next Friday 🙂 [and sorry, Aussies only due to postage costs!]

If you want to follow along with every blog post in the footer of this website you can sign up to Follow the SWL blog…. every blog post gets emailed straight to you so you don’t miss a thing.

And here is to another 5 years of blogging my makes and patterns released and tutorials created and fabric released and happenings in the quilty world!

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